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We honor the needs of each family and follow the lead of each child while directing therapy to ensure change and success

Looking for help understanding your child's development or behaviors?  Call us with any questions or concerns you have for your child




Sensory integration is how the brain processes information from the 7 sensory systems.  When sensory information is not processed well, this is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).  SPD can be observed as problematic behaviors or difficulty preforming age-appropriate tasks.



We evaluate and treat primitive reflexes for children with learning, coordination and movement problems.  Primitive reflexes guide our movements as infants but sometimes these reflexes are retained into childhood.  When reflexes aren't replaced by controlled movement children can have more difficulty with learning and movement.  You will be surprised what areas improve when we use reflex therapy to help address the root problem of retained reflexes.



The mission of SMART Pediatrics is to help every child be as successful and fulfilled as possible.

Sensory processing disorder affects not only the child, but the whole family, which is why we take a holistic approach to treatment.


We also aim to educate the community about sensory processing and primitive reflexes and how they impact early childhood development.  That includes not only parents, but also teachers and other professionals who work with children every day.

Do you suspect your child may have sensory processing difficulty?


Let us send you information to help you decide with our

Signs & Symptoms Checklist.

Are you a teacher or school director and want to better understand how sensory processing can cause challenging behaviors in your students?


We can help!

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It is important to know that while early intervention is always ideal, issues with sensory processing and primitive reflexes can be treated at any age. It is NEVER too late to begin addressing your concerns. 
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